<spg> but now i start to notice glitches..
<spg> locked at 120
<spg> it glitches to exactly 80 sometimes
<spg> god i hate that
<zerox> what are glitches?
<spg> schokskes
<spg> euhm
<spg> happeringen
<spg> euhm
<spg> english? :P
<MassMan> fps drops?
<spg> yes & no
<spg> yes
<spg> :P
<MassMan> and lol@ schokskes
<zerox> sounds like sth to eat
<MassMan> everything sounds like somthing to eat to you zerox... you fatty german
<zerox> :(
<MassMan> but it's ok
<MassMan> i bet funnyb thinks schokskes sounds like something to bone
<funnyb> would be lie if i said i didnt